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Algarve in”Atlantic on Bike”

Algarve in”Atlantic on Bike”

«Atlantic On Bike»: discovering the Algarve by bicycle

The Algarve Tourist Region (Região de Turismo do Algarve) formalized its adhesion to the project “Atlantic On Bike”.  The slogan is “A unique cycling destination for sustainable growth”. It aims precisely to develop the tourist sustainability of the destination based on the transnational cycle route EuroVelo 1 – Atlantic Seashore Route.

The EuroVelo 1 route combines over 1000 miles the majestic fjords of Norway, the coast of Ireland and the sun-drenched beaches of Portugal.

From the Spanish border to Sagres, EuroVelo 1 crosses the Algarve on a course  called Ecovia do Litoral.

The Atlantic On Bike project is headed by the French department of the Pyrenees Atlantiques. This involves a total of 18 partners from seven countries.

The Intermunicipal Community of the Algarve (AMAL) and the Algarve Tourist Region,  will be responsible for communication and promotion.

The two Portuguese partners will manage a total budget of 350,000 euros over 36 months. Co-financing rates could reach 75 per cent of the projec´s elegible costs.

The specific objectives of this initiative are to stimulate, structure, promote and monitor the touristic offer of the Algarve. Increasing tourist demand by boosting the local economy and generating jobs. Provide conditions for tourists and resident population to enjoy cycling as a leisure activity.

EuroVelo network currently comprises 15 long-distance cycling routes linking the entire European continent and can be used by both holiday cyclists and residents on their daily commutes.
Many of these routes are completed, but others are still under development. It is estimated that by 2020 the network will be complete.

Algarve EuroVelo 1



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